November 17, 2011

The Short, Terrifying Life and Death of a Veal Calf

What is Veal?  Veal is baby cow, or calf flesh. When you eat veal meat, you are essentially eating someones baby.

A Veal Calf is the "trash" of the dairy industry. Female calves are usually kept and raised as dairy cows (Please See: Milk Propaganda) male calves are sent away to become Veal. The life of a veal calf is very short, and terrifying. Veal calves are taken from their mothers about three days after birth, very often times sooner. They are chained to the ground of their stalls so that they cannot move, this keeps their flesh tender by not allowing the muscles to properly develop. They are fed twice a day so they don't starve, the food they are given contains a mixture of antibiotics, and chemicals to keep them strong enough to survive until they are slaughtered.

These babies never get to play, they never feel sunshine, or grass, they never get to feel their mothers comfort. The Veal Calves short existence (usually 16 weeks, or 4 months) is lived in solitary darkness until the day comes when they are forced to walk, they are electrically prodded, shoved, or dragged by the legs to their death. This happens to about one million Veal Calves every year in the United States.

The best way to help these babies is to NOT eat Veal, or Drink Milk.

You can also write your senators, or the USDA, and ask them to create better protections for Veal Calves so that they may have better lives.

 Learn more about Veal, and Dairy


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